INTM523000 - Thin capitalisation: practical guidance: accountancy issues - contents
INTM523100Introduction: accountancy impact on thin capitalisation
INTM523150International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP)
INTM523160Acceptable GAAP for thin cap purposes
INTM523170Impact of accounting on loan agreements
INTM523180The change in the treatment of preference shares under IFRS
INTM523210FRS 17: the impact of pensions accounting on thin capitalisation
INTM523220FRS 17: defined benefits and defined contributions schemes
INTM523250FRS 17: retirement benefits – profit and loss account
INTM523270FRS 17: retirement benefits - impact of current service costs
INTM523280FRS 17: interest cost and expected rate of return on assets
INTM523300FRS 17: actuarial gains and losses
INTM523310FRS 17: non-recurring items (past service costs, settlements and curtailments)
INTM523400FRS 17: pension deficits and surpluses
INTM523410FRS 17: summary of the impact of FRS 17 on thin capitalisation
INTM523420FRS 17: presentation of FRS17 in the accounts - disclosures