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INTM524040 - Thin capitalisation: practical guidance: the use of credit ratings: investment grade and non-investment grade credit ratings

Range of credit ratings

As is evident from the table below, the credit ratings of two of the ratings agencies have a wide range. The rating agencies distinguish between investment grade and non-investment grade ratings.

Investment Grade (Prime)

Standard and Poor’s Moody’s Note
AAA (Superior) Aaa (Exceptional) The highest debt rating assigned. The borrower’s capacity to repay debt is extremely strong under a variety of economic conditions.
AA+ Aa1 -
AA (Excellent) Aa2 The capacity of the borrower to repay debt is very strong under a variety of economic conditions.
AA- Aa3 -
A+ A1 -
A (Good) A2 The borrower has strong capacity to repay debt but is susceptible to adverse effects of changes in circumstances and economic operations.
A- A3 -
BBB+ Baa1 -
BBB (Adequate) Baa2 The borrower has adequate capacity to repay debt but adverse economic conditions or circumstances are likely to lead to risk of default.
BBB- Baa3 -

Non-Investment grade (non-prime or speculative grade; also “junk bonds”)

Standard and Poor’s Moody’s Note
BB+ Ba1 Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
BB (May be adequate) Ba2 Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
BB- Ba3 Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
B+ B1 Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
B (Vulnerable) B2 Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
B- B3 Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
CCC (Extremely vulnerable) Caa Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
CC Ca Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
C C Regarded as predominantly speculative, BB+ being the least speculative and C the most.
D - In default or with payments in arrears.
NR (Not rated: S&P has not been requested to rate the borrower’s capacity to meet obligations.) - -