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INTM550090 - Hybrids: introduction: summary of Part 6A

Type Mismatch Involving Primary Response Defensive Rule Scope
D/NI Chapter 3: Financial Instruments Deny payer deduction Include as ordinary income Related parties and structured arrangements
D/NI Chapter 4: Hybrid Transfers Deny payer deduction Include as ordinary income Related parties and structured arrangements
D/NI Chapter 5: Hybrid Payer Deny payer deduction Include as ordinary income Control group and structured arrangements
D/NI Chapter 6: Permanent Establishments Deny deduction to UK PE - UK permanent establishments
D/NI Chapter 7: Hybrid Payee Deny payer deduction Include as ordinary income of investor, then LLP Control group and structured arrangements
D/NI Chapter 8: Multinational Payee Deny payer deduction - Control group and structured arrangements
DD Chapter 9: Hybrid Entity Deny investor deduction Deny payer deduction Related parties and structured arrangements
DD Chapter 10: Dual Territory Dual resident company: deny deduction / Multinational company: deny parent jurisdiction deduction Multinational company: deny deduction to UK PE Dual resident and multinational companies
D/NI / DD Chapter 11: Imported Mismatches Deny payer deduction - Control group and structured arrangements