LAM04000 - Calculating ‘E’ adjusted BLAGAB management expenses
LAM04010Introduction and overview FA12/S76
LAM04020Step 1: Definition of ordinary BLAGAB management expenses, conditions and excluded amounts: FA12/S77
LAM04030Step 1: Amounts treated as ordinary BLAGAB management expenses: FA12/S81
LAM04040Step 1: Restrictions on unpaid remuneration, car hire and FOTRA related expenses: FA12/S82 and FA12/S96
LAM04100Step 2: Definition of acquisition expenses: FA12/S80
LAM04110Step 2: Spreading of acquisition expenses: FA12/S79
LAM04120Step 2: Example - spreading of acquisition expenses: FA12/S79
LAM04130Repeal of FA12/S79: FA22/SCH5/PART2 and SI2022/1164
LAM04200Step 3: Calculate the amount of any deemed management expenses: FA12/S78(3)
LAM04210Step 3: General Annuity Business: FA12/S83
LAM04300Step 4: Calculate the basic amount: FA12/S76
LAM04400Step 5: The adjusted BLAGAB management expense
LAM04500Example steps 1 to 5: FA12/S76