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LAM06050 - I-E Profit: Calculation of the tax charge: Determining the policyholders’ share of I-E profit - example

Consider a set of computations with the following figures:

Description Amount
BLAGAB trade profit (BTP) of the period 800,000
BLAGAB losses brought forward 300,000
BLAGAB non-taxable distributions (BNTD) 150,000
Income (I) calculated under steps 1 to 3 of FA12/S73 1,450,000
FA12/S104 example: adjusted amount of BLAGAB trade profits  
BLAGAB trade profit 800,000
losses b/f (300,000)
Shareholders’ share of BTND (75,000)
Adjusted amount of BLAGAB trade profits 425,000

FA12/S105 example: shareholders’ share of BLAGAB non-taxable distributions

(BTP) 800,000 x (BNTD) 150,000 = 75,000

(BTND) 150,000 + (I) 1,450,000

Therefore the Shareholders’ share of BLAGAB non-taxable distributions in this example is 75,000.

FA12/S103 example: the policyholders’ share of the I-E profit

Where there is an I-E profit, a comparison is made between the I-E profit and the adjusted amount of BLAGAB trade profit for the period (see LAM06030) to calculate the policyholders’ share of the I-E profit (if any).

  • Scenario 1: if the company does not have a BLAGAB trade profit for that period, the policyholders’ share of the I-E profit is the whole of that profit;
  • Scenario 2: if the adjusted amount of a company’s BLAGAB trade profit is less than the I-E profit for the period, the difference between those amounts represents the policyholders’ share;
  • Scenario 3: if the adjusted amount of a company’s BLAGAB trade profit is equal to or more than the I-E profit for the period, there is no policyholders’ share.
  Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Assume I-E profits are 625,000 625,000 315,000
Adjusted amount of BLAGAB trade profits nil 400,000 400,000
Amount of I-E profits charged at shareholder rate 0 400,000 315,000
Amount of I-E profits charged at policyholder rate 625,000 225,000 0