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LAM16030 - IFRS 17 Transitional Provisions: Calculation of the IFRS 17 tax transitional amount: Example

An insurer (which prepares annual accounts for the calendar year) adopts IFRS 17 on 1 January 2023. The 2022 and 2023 annual accounts present the following in respect of the balances as at 31 December 2022:

  2023 Accounts as at 31/12/22 (restated) 2022 Accounts as at 31/12/22
  £m £m
Financial assets 1,750 1,600
Deferred tax asset 70 30
Total assets 1,820 1,630
Equity and liabilities    
Share capital 100 100
Retained earnings 145 330
Other reserves 150 0
Insurance contract liabilities 1,425 1,200
Total equity and liabilities 1,820 1,630

The restated balance sheet at 31/12/22 reflects the following adjustments:

  • Financial assets were increased by £150m on transition to IFRS 9, with the corresponding adjustment recognised in Other reserves.
  • Insurance contract liabilities were increased by £200m, representing the recognition of the Contractual Service Margin (‘CSM’) on transition to IFRS 17. An associated Deferred tax asset of £40m was also recognised, leading to a net £160m reduction in retained earnings.
  • Insurance contract liabilities were increased by £25m (and retained earnings reduced by the same amount) due to the correction of an error in accounting for them under IFRS 4.

Note that, in practice, there is likely to be deferred tax booked on transition to IFRS 9 and current or deferred tax booked on the correction of the error. However, for simplicity, in this example deferred tax is included on the IFRS 17 transition amount only and other deferred tax effects have been omitted.

For the purposes of this example, let’s assume the entity has 60% long term business, of which 70% is BLAGAB and 30% is non-BLAGAB. The IFRS 17 tax transitional amount is calculated as follows:

  Regulation £m
A Relevant amount shown as a closing balance in the first IFRS 17 balance sheet:    
Accumulated profits less accumulated losses (being retained earnings of £145m and other reserves of £150m) Reg 3(2) 295
Less adjustment for deferred tax Reg 3(2) -70
Total for A 225  
B Relevant amount shown as a closing balance in the pre-IFRS 17 balance sheet:    
Accumulated profits less accumulated losses (being retained earnings of £330m) Reg 3(2) 330
Less adjustment for deferred tax Reg 3(2) -30
Total for B 300  
A - B Reg 3(1) -75
Exclude IFRS 9 transitional adjustment Reg 3(3)(a) -150
Exclude correction of the error Reg 3(3)(b) 25
Amount not relating to long-term business (40%) Reg 3(4) and (5) 80
IFRS 17 tax transitional amount allocated to long-term business Reg 3(7) -120
Allocated to BLAGAB (70% of long-term business) Reg 4 -84
Allocated to non-BLAGAB (30% of long-term business) Reg 4 -36
IFRS 17 tax transitional amount allocated to long-term business -120  

In this example, the IFRS 17 tax transitional amount allocated to long-term business of £120m is a negative amount and is therefore treated as an expense in calculating the BLAGAB trade profit or loss and the non-BLAGAB trade profit or loss of the company (in accordance with Regulation 5). The expense (in this example £84m BLAGAB and £36m non-BLAGAB) is spread over 10 years beginning on 1 January 2023 (in accordance with Regulation 6).

The amount of £80m which does not relate to long-term business is subject to the normal change of accounting practice rules – see BIM34045.