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LLM6140 - Conversion: Scottish limited partnerships: completing tax returns: non-resident partners

If a Non-Resident Partnership Statement and associated Pages are required, the nominated partner should follow the income tax rules in LLM6130 to complete them, with the following modification to exclude gains or losses on FOTRA securities held in syndicate premium trust funds (PTFs) from the Trading Pages.

The amounts of gains and losses on FOTRA securities held in syndicate PTFs are described as ’exempt income’ on the CTA 1 Taxation Advice provided by Lloyd’s Members Support Unit.

If any FOTRA securities in the partnership’s ancillary trust fund (ATF) were disposed of, the proceeds should similarly be excluded from the Partnership Non-Resident Capital Gains Pages.

Other than these two points, the completion of the Partnership Non-Resident Statement is the same as the income tax equivalent.