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MLR1PP13050 - Penalties guidance glossary: A to F

AMLS Anti Money Laundering Supervision
ASPs Accountancy Service Providers
Assurance The term previously used in Customs and Excise for Compliance in HMRC
Breach A civil offence under the Regulations.
CCAB Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies.
A criminal investigation An investigation by HMRC which may lead to criminal prosecution for a breach of the Regulations.
Fraud Investigation Service (FIS) The part of HMRC responsible for criminal investigations.
CIT Central Intervention Team.
Clearing House The initial point of contact whereby the Tribunal Service notify an appeal to HMRC for action. The Clearing House is managed by LC CCG Appeals.
Client A customer of a TCSP/ASP/EAB.
Compliance The part of HMRC responsible for Interventions and Compliance Visits
CT Act Counter Terrorism Act 2008
Culpable turnover The amount we consider to have been potentially exposed to Money Laundering as a result of a regulatory breach.
Culpable transaction A relevant transaction where the Regulations were breached.
CY Current year
Decision Includes a penalty, amendment, determination, and any similar appealable notice.
Decision Letter The letter sent to the customers/business at the time the decision is issued.
Decision Maker Is the officer who has made the Decision to issue a penalty or the decision under review/appeal.
EABs Estate Agency Businesses
Exposed clients The number of TCSPs/ASPs/EABs clients who as a result of MLR breaches were not subject to MLR controls and due diligence measures.
EEA European Economic Area.
Failing An error which has led to, or is likely to lead to a breach of the Regulations.
FATF Financial Action Task Force.