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MLR1PP3150 - Penalties guidance: anti money laundering/counter terrorist financing legislation: sanctions and prosecution

The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017:
  • Schedule 6 lists the relevant requirements that are subject to both civil penalties and criminal offences
  • Regulation 86, 87 and 88 specifies regulatory offences which are subject to a criminal investigation.
  • The Regulations provide no guidance when a civil breach of Regulations becomes a criminal offence

Schedule 7 Counter Terrorism Act 2008 (CT Act):

  • Under Para 30 failure to comply with a requirement imposed by a direction, as listed in Schedule 7 Part 3 Paras 9 to 13, is an offence subject to a criminal prosecution (See MLR1PP3220) This offence is in respect of the same breaches which are liable to a civil penalty under Para 25.
  • Under Para 31 providing false information, and knowing this information is false, when applying for a licence under Para 17, (see MLR1PP3220) is also an offence subject to a criminal prosecution.
  • The CT Act provides no guidance when a civil breach of Regulations listed in Para 25 becomes a criminal offence under Para 30.