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MLR3C10310 - Accountancy Service Providers (ASPs): What is an Accountancy Service Provider?

The definition of an ASP is anybody who, as a firm or sole practitioner, provides accountancy services, fills the role of statutory auditor or provides tax advice to others.

Accountancy services are: recording, reviewing, analysing, calculating and reporting on financial information for other people. This includes:

  • bookkeeping
  • accounts preparation
  • stocktaking (but see MLR3C10350)
  • tax advice

Statutory Auditors are professional persons qualified to conduct an audit required by the Companies Act. They do not therefore come under HMRC supervision for MLR purposes.

Tax Advice includes:

  • helping, completing and submitting tax returns or duty claims
  • advising whether something is liable to a tax or duty
  • advising on the amount of tax or duty that is payable.