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MLR3C13050 - Appendix 2 Unannounced Visits: Unannounced visits to registered MSBs or HVDs: Introduction

What is an unannounced visit?

An unannounced visit is basically a visit to a business without prior notification.

Authorising and arranging unannounced visits

Unannounced visits must not be carried out without prior agreement from the Senior Officer. A written request should be submitted by the officer to include background information on the case, and the reasons why such a visit is felt necessary. Attempts to contact/visit the MSB or HVD should be listed. Written authority should be then be given by the Senior Officer.

It goes without saying that the logic and cost-effectiveness of carrying out an unannounced visit to an address which would involve a substantial amount of travelling must be carefully considered.

Number of officers who should attend an unannounced visit

In general all unannounced visits should be done in twos and we would recommend that one person is an officer experienced in the MLR regime.

Preparing for an unannounced visits

Prior to any unannounced visits you must ensure that (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

You should also check the register to establish if the business has deregistered and complete a H&S risk assessment.