MGETR20036 - Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief: making a claim: additional information form - sections 7 and 8

7. Additional information 

This section contains an optional blank text box for the claimant to give any other details that might be relevant to the claim. The box has a 1000-character limit. 

It will assist the processing of claims if the company includes details of any methods of apportionment and/or assumptions used in producing the figures in its claim.

8. Submit your form 

This section allows the applicant to review all their answers one final time. There is the opportunity at the end to save or print a PDF copy. This is recommended, as the email confirmation will not include a copy of the answers.  

The applicant must accept the declaration that the information provided is true and complete when they submit the form. They will receive a reference number and will be sent a confirmation email.  

A claim must also be made through the company’s tax return before the form will be processed.