NIM02781 - Class 1 NICs: earnings of employees and office holders: retirement benefits schemes from 6 April 2006: employer-financed retirement benefits schemes: payments from such schemes: authorised member payments flowchart: pensions

You must read this page in conjunction with NIM02780 (first considerations).

Payment out of the EFRBS is a Pension. 

Step 1

If the scheme had been a registered pension scheme, would the payment satisfy pension rules: 

  • 1 and 3, and 

Yes Go to step 2 

No Go to step4 

Step 2 

Is the pension payable until the employee’s death at least once a year? 

Yes Go to step 3 

No Go to step 4 

Step 3 

Payment can be disregarded in the calculation of earnings. See NIM14510 for Class 1A position. 

Step 4

Payment cannot be disregarded in the calculation of earnings.
