NIM12110 - Class 1: treating as paid: contents
NIM12111Class 1: Treating as paid: Definition
NIM12112Class 1: Treating as paid: When NICs can be treated as paid
NIM12113Class 1: Treating as paid: Who can treat NICs as paid
NIM12114Class 1: Treating as paid: Status of treated as paid NICs
NIM12115Class 1: Treating as paid: When NICs cannot be treated as paid: Consent or connivance
NIM12116Class 1: Treating as paid: When NICs cannot be treated as paid: Negligence
NIM12117Class 1: Treating as paid: Considering negligence
NIM12118Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence not established
NIM12119Class 1: Treating as paid: Removing NICs from the NI record
NIM12126Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: Issuing an opinion
NIM12127Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: Transfer of primary liability to employee
NIM12128Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: Opinion is not disputed
NIM12129Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: Payment received
NIM12130Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: New information provided: Change of opinion
NIM12131Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: New information provided: No change of opinion
NIM12132Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: Formal decisions
NIM12133Class 1: Treating as paid: Negligence established: Transfer of primary liability to employee