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NIM13150 - Class 1A National Insurance contributions: liability for Class 1A NICs: table of common benefits liable for Class 1A NICs

The table below lists what are likely to be the most commonly provided benefits. The purpose of the table is to indicate whether Class 1 or Class 1A NICs are due in particular cases. The amount of Class 1A NICs due is based upon the amount of general earnings calculated under ITEPA 2003. Guidance on calculating the income tax on these benefits/payments can be found in the Employment Income Manual (EIM). The table also provides references to additional NIM guidance where special Class 1A NICs rules apply.

The table is not exhaustive but provides what are likely to be the most commonly provided benefits. Remember that individual circumstances or facts surrounding a particular benefit may influence the class of NICs due. In most cases the arrangements put in place by an employer to supply the employee with a benefit will determine whether Class 1 or Class 1A NICs are due. In some instances the ‘circumstances’ box of the table will indicate whether the contract to supply the goods or services is with the employer or the employee. See NIM13170 for the importance of this distinction for NICs.

When you use this table you should refer to the references given for the NIM and the EIM to ensure that you treat the payment correctly.

Type of benefit Circumstances of provision Class 1 liability Class 1A liability National Insurance Manual Employment Income Manual
Assets placed at the employee’s disposal by the employer Provided for business use and private use is not significant – except motor vehicles, boats and aircraft No No NIM02020 EIM21611; EIM21614; EIM21630
  Provided for mixed business and private use No Yes NIM02020; NIM05010 EIM21611; EIM21614; EIM21630
Assets transferred to the employee but not Readily Convertible Assets Can be turned into cash only by sale, such as furniture, kitchen appliances, property and clothes No Yes NIM02020 EIM21640
Car fuel for private motoring in a provided car Any means of supply or purchase, except round sum allowances No Yes NIM16175 EIM25550
Car fuel for private motoring in a privately owned car Supplied using cash, a company credit card, garage or agency card and the litany is used No Yes NIM02020; NIM05800; NIM06051; NIM16170 EIM21640 - provision of fuel; EIM16010 - credit tokens
  Supplied using cash, a company credit card, garage or agency card and the litany not used Yes No NIM02020; NIM05800; NIM06051; NIM16170 EIM00520 - cash; EIM16010 - credit tokens
  Supplied from employer’s own pump No Yes NIM02020; NIM05800; NIM06051; NIM16170 EIM21640
Car parking facilities At or near place of work No No NIM05615 EIM21685
  Elsewhere – unless the parking is part of a journey which is qualifying business travel No Yes NIM05615 EIM21685
Cars provided for private use Where cash equivalent is more than nil No Yes NIM16001 EIM23010
Childcare help for children up to the age of 16, effective up to 5 April 2005 Provided by employer, or employer contracts with the provider – excluding school fees No No NIM16100  
  Employer reimburses the employee or provides additional salary to meet the cost of childcare Yes No NIM16100  
Childcare benefits, (other than workplace nurseries – see below) for children up to the age of 16, effective from 6 April 2005 Provided by employer, or employer contracts with the provider up to a limit of £55 per week – excluding school fees No No NIM16110 EIM21902
  Employer reimburses the employee or provides additional salary to meet the cost of childcare Yes No NIM16110 EIM21902
Clothing or uniforms which can be worn at any time Employer provided No Yes NIM02020; NIM05010 EIM32450; EIM32475
  Employee is reimbursed cost Yes No NIM02020; NIM05010 EIM00520; EIM32450; EIM32475
Clothing (protective) or uniforms which are necessary for work – may have a logo Any circumstances No No NIM02020; NIM05010 EIM32470
Computers loaned for private use Loaned for private use (tax years up to and including 2005 to 2006) – first £500 of cash equivalent of benefit No No   EIM21700
  Loaned for private use (tax years up to and including 2005 to 2006) – cash equivalent of benefit above £500 No Yes   EIM21700
  Loaned for private use on or after 6 April 2006 No Yes   EIM21699
Entertaining clients No No NIM05670 EIM32570  
Entertaining staff Employer contracts No Yes NIM05670 EIM32570
  Employee contracts Yes No NIM05670 EIM32570
Eye tests and or special corrective appliances provided on or after 6 April 2006 Conditions of section 320A ITEPA 2003 satisfied No No NIM02145 EIM21765
Eyes tests and or special corrective appliances provided before 6 April 2006 Employer pays for the cost of or provides eyesight tests, spectacles required solely for VDU use, or where spectacles are for general use, but include a special prescription for VDU use, a proportion of the cost relating to the special prescription. No No   EIM21765
Food, groceries, farm produce Employer contracts No Yes NIM02020 EIM21640
  Employee contracts Yes No NIM02020 EIM21640
Goods, such as TV, furniture etc., transferred to employee Employer contracts No Yes NIM02020 EIM21640
  Employee contracts Yes No NIM02020 EIM21640
Holidays Employer contracts No Yes NIM02020 EIM21640
  Employee contracts Yes No NIM02020 EIM21640
Living accommodation provided by employer Exempt from Income Tax No No NIM02020 EIM11300
  Not exempt from Income Tax No Yes NIM02020 EIM11300
Loans, beneficial arrangements Qualifying loans No No NIM02210; NIM16670 EIM26100
  Non-qualifying loans No Yes NIM02210; NIM16670 EIM26100
Loans, written off At time employer decides not to seek repayment of the loan Yes No NIM02210; NIM16670 EIM26100
Meals provided At canteen open to all staff or on employer’s premises and offered on reasonable scale and all employees may obtain free or subsidised meals No No NIM02020 EIM21670
  All other circumstances No Yes NIM02020 EIM21670
Medical check ups or health screening provided by employer One check up/health screening per year and screening/medical check up generally available to all employees or check up available to all employees identified in previous screening as needing a check up No No NIM02020 EIM21765
Medical, dental treatment or insurance to cover cost Employer contracts No Yes NIM02020; NIM02230 EIM21762
  Employee contracts Yes No NIM02020; NIM02230 EIM21762
  Outside UK where need for treatment arises while employee is working outside UK for the employer No No NIM02020; NIM02230 EIM21766
Mobile phone provided by employer Mobile phones provided to an employee or any family or household member, before 6 April 2006, for private use No No NIM02020 EIM21780
  One mobile phone provided to an employee, on or after 6 April 2006, for private use – not provided to the employee’s family and household. No No NIM02020 EIM21778
Mobile phones - cost of private calls Employer contracts No Yes   EIM32945
  Employee contracts Yes No   EIM32945
Office accommodation, supplies/services used by employees in carrying out employment (includes computers) Private use is not significant No No NIM05010 EIM21610
Personal bills of the employee Yes No NIM02270 EIM00580  
Personal incidental expenses Conditions for exemption satisfied No No NIM06010 EIM02710
Readily Convertible Assets Yes No NIM04007 EIM11900  
Relocation expenses/benefits Non-eligible expenses Yes No NIM06110; NIM16250 EIM03100
  Non-qualifying benefits and eligible expenses paid after the relevant day No Yes NIM06110; NIM16250 EIM03100
  Qualifying expenses and benefits of £8,000 or less No No NIM06110; NIM16250 EIM03100
  Qualifying expenses/benefits in excess of £8,000 No Yes NIM06110; NIM16250 EIM03100
Scholarships awarded to students because of their parent’s employment Employer contracts No Yes   EIM30000
  Employee contracts Yes No   EIM30000
School fees Employer contracts No Yes NIM16105 EIM21640
  Employee contracts Yes No NIM16105 EIM21640
Social functions Annual parties for which conditions for tax exemption satisfied No No NIM02020 EIM21690
  Any other type of function No Yes NIM02020 EIM21690
Sporting or recreational facilities provided by employer Conditions for tax exemption satisfied No No NIM02020 EIM21825
  All other circumstances No Yes NIM02020 EIM21825
Subscription and fees allowed under sections 343 or 344 of ITEPA 2003 (before 6 April 2003 – section 201 ICTA 1988) Any circumstances No No NIM16150 EIM32880
Subscription and fees not allowed under sections 343 or 344 of ITEPA 2003 (before 6 April 2003 – section 201 ICTA 1988) Employer contracts No Yes NIM16150 EIM32880
  Employee contracts Yes No NIM16150 EIM32880
Staff suggestion awards Conditions of section 321 of ITEPA 2003 satisfied No No NIM02350; NIM16300 EIM06600
  Conditions of section 321 of ITEPA 2003 not satisfied – award made up of cash and/or a benefit Yes Yes NIM02350; NIM16300 EIM06600
Telephones - employer contracts with supplier Cost of rental where private use is more than not significant No Yes NIM06190 EIM21615
  Costs of calls, where private use is more than not significant No Yes NIM06190 EIM21615
  Cost of all private calls reimbursed by employee No No NIM06190 EIM21615
Telephones - employee contracts with supplier Cost of rental Yes No NIM06190 EIM21615
  Cost of business calls No No NIM06190 EIM21615
  Cost of private calls Yes No NIM06190 EIM21615
Trivial benefit provided to an employee (or to a member of their family or household) costing up to £50. When the benefit provided is exempt from tax under section 323A ITEPA 2003 No No NIM06190 EIM21864 to EIM21871
Vans, provided and made available for private use (position up to 5 April 2005) Private use is any use other than business travel No Yes NIM06190 EIM22050
Vans, provided and made available for private use (position from 6 April 2005) Private use is insignificant No No   EIM22700; EIM22745
  Private use is more than insignificant No Yes   EIM22700; EIM22745
Van fuel for vans provided and made available for private use (position from 6 April 2000 to 5 April 2005) Fuel provided by cash, credit/debit/fuel agency card (litany not used), non-cash voucher Yes No NIM16386  
Van fuel for vans provided and made available for private use (position from 6 April 2005 to 5 April 2007) Fuel provided by cash, credit/debit/fuel agency card (litany not used), non-cash voucher Yes No NIM16387 EIM22700
Van fuel for vans provided and made available for private use (position from 6 April 2000 to 5 April 2007) Fuel provided from employer’s pump or by credit/debit/fuel agency card (litany used) No No NIM16385 EIM22900
Van fuel for vans provided and made available for private use (position from 6 April 2007) Fuel provided by whatever means for more than ordinary commuting No Yes NIM16387; NIM16388 EIM22700
Workplace nurseries Conditions for exemption satisfied No No   EIM21902
Works transport services Conditions of section 242 ITEPA 2003 satisfied No No   EIM21850
  Conditions of section 242 ITEPA 2003 not satisfied No Yes   EIM21850