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NIM39220 - National Insurance Numbers (NINOs): Confirming a NINO: Notification of a NINO

Individuals receive notification of their NINo either

  •  Having applied to DWP (NIM39325) for a NINo as an adult - they will receive a letter from DWP (DCI10) telling them what their NINo is
  • Shortly before their 16th birthday if they had Child Benefit claimed for them (NIM39305) - they will receive a letter from HMRC telling them what their NINo is
  • If they have contacted HMRC because they didn’t receive a letter shortly before their 16th birthday (NIM39300) - they will receive a letter from HMRC telling them what their NINo is

These letters are known as Initial Notification Letters.

Individuals receive confirmation of their NINo if the contact HMRC to request a reminder (HMRC are the only department to offer this service).

All letters will contain the individual’s Name and NINo and advises:

  • What to do if their name/address details change
  • What a NINo is for
  • That the NINo is not proof of identity
  • That they should keep their NINo safe



All notifications and confirmations are issued by letter.

NINo Cards (RD3) were introduced in 1975, when a cardboard card was issued to remind customers of their number. These were replaced by plastic NINo cards in 1984. Cards were phased out from 2010, and no further cards were issued after October 2011.