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NMWM03100 - National Minimum Wage rates: agricultural wage rate

In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales there are minimum rates of pay for agricultural workers. Agricultural minimum wages of pay in England ceased from 1 October 2013. The relationship of the legislation relating to the National Minimum Wage and agricultural wages means that agricultural workers must be paid at least National Minimum Wage rates. However, in some circumstances they must be paid more, if this is stipulated by the agricultural wages legislation. Where agricultural wages rates are the same as National Minimum Wage rates, the National Minimum Wage legislation takes precedence.

The rated output work system, which provides for a “fair” piece rate (NMWM03130) for rated output workers, does not apply to agricultural workers. However, agricultural employers may set piece rates. If so, they are obliged to pay agricultural workers at least the minimum appropriate agricultural rate of pay, including any overtime or other premiums, for each hour worked.