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NMWM06300 - Specific occupations and special groups: TV and film industry

People working in the TV and film industry are entitled to the National Minimum Wage in the same way as any other workers (NMWM05020).

Traditionally people working in this sector have been expected to gain experience in the industry by undertaking unpaid “work experience”. Such work experience is unlikely to be part of a United Kingdom higher education course (NMWM05340) so it may be necessary to establish the correct status (NMWM04000) of the individual for National Minimum Wage purposes. Particular care is required when considering whether the person is working in a volunteer capacity (NMWM05080) or as a worker.

Representatives of the TV and film industry have worked closely with the Department for Business of Trade to gain a better understanding of the way the National Minimum Wage applies to workers and trainees (NMWM05320) in the industry.