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NMWM08290 - Working time: time work: training time

Relevant legislation

The legislation that applies to this page is as follows:

  • National Minimum Wage Regulations 2015, regulations 19 & 33


For a worker performing time work, the time when a worker is receiving training required by the employer is treated as working time.

Such training is often provided at or near a place of work during normal working time so employers have little difficulty in treating such time as hours worked. However, some employers experience confusion where training is provided outside normal working time as they suggest that such time falls outside of the work arrangement. This is a mistake, as a requirement placed upon a worker by their contract will form part of their work arrangement with the employer.

For a NMW Officer, the important factor when considering training time is to determine whether the worker is required to undertake the training under their contract. Whether the employer has provided payment for time spent training or paid for the training itself may be indicative but not necessarily deciding factors. Where it is not clear whether training falls within the arrangements of the employment then the deciding factor should be whether the training is wholly or mainly in connection with the work and whether it is “approved” in some manner by the employer.

Where a worker is attending training at a place outside of the normal place of work, it is not only necessary to consider the time spent attending that training but also any associated travelling (NMWM08300).