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NMWM16180 - Disclosure of information: Freedom of Information: requests for information

Procedure to take if you receive a request for information

There is a strict time limit of 20 working days for answering a Freedom of Information request. As soon as you receive a request, you must act immediately to ensure the Department meets this deadline.

All requests must be registered by the HM Revenue & Customs’ Freedom of Information Team, and you should refer the request to Penny Earle of the Assistant Director Team who is your local Freedom of Information representative.

Please do not attempt to answer a Freedom of Information request yourself - you must pass it to your local Freedom of Information representative.

What a Freedom of Information request looks like

Applications for information under Freedom of Information must

  • be in writing, which may include email,
  • state the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence,
  • describe the information wanted

The request does not need to mention any legislation, nor refer directly to the Act in any way.

It is not always easy to identify whether a request falls within the scope of the Act or whether it is a more normal business enquiry. Any cases of doubt should be referred to the local Freedom of Information representative.

You could receive a request from an individual for information about themselves. This will almost certainly relate to their personal data and will be covered by the Subject Access Request (SAR) process under the Data Protection Act (NMWM16130).