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NMWM16340 - Disclosure of information: orders from court: requests for information not binding on the Crown

There will be times when an officer from the court or other person from the Court Service makes contact asking you to supply information. Such a request may be by letter or by telephone.

If a court makes a request for information which is not a court order, witness summons or subpoena (NMWM16330), you must not release any information.

All court orders, witness summons and subpoenas are clearly marked. If you receive any other letter which asks for information you must not disclose.

If you receive a request for information from court which is not identifiable as a court order, witness summons or subpoena please contact NMW Technical Team.

Requests from a party to the Proceedings

In some circumstances a party to the proceedings whose confidential information is being sought can positively consent to the disclosure (NMWM16340). It may often be in the customer’s interests to consent to disclosure if they are involved in the litigation.

Devolved administrations

If you receive a request from a Scottish court or a court in Northern Ireland, please contact NMW Technical Team for guidance.