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NMWM16410 - Disclosure of information: protecting confidentiality when on the telephone

When using the telephone, contact can come from:

  • other parts of the department;
  • customers themselves;
  • customers’ agents;
  • other government departments;
  • other third parties.

You must ensure that when speaking on the telephone you do not disclose confidential information without legal authority, unintentionally or otherwise.

HM Revenue & Customs’ security procedures must always be followed when speaking to someone on the telephone (see NMWM16420).

Whoever the caller claims to be, you must verify the identity of the person you are speaking to. Do not disclose any HM Revenue & Customs (NMWM02030) information until you are wholly satisfied that the person you are speaking to is the person they claim to be and that you can lawfully disclose to them. You must also be alert to bogus telephone callers. (NMWM16420).