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NMWM16460 - Disclosure of information: the Parliamentary Ombudsman

The Parliamentary Ombudsman (also known as the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration) investigates complaints of maladministration leading to injustice by Government departments and certain public bodies. The Ombudsman is an officer of Parliament and can look into complaints referred through Members of Parliament (NMWM16380) with the consent of the person who made the complaint.

Information which can be disclosed

In investigating complaints, the Ombudsman has the same powers as a court of law to examine witnesses and obtain documents. They may require Ministers or officials to furnish information or supply documents relevant to an investigation. No obligation to secrecy or other restriction can be applied on behalf of the Crown to prevent disclosure of information for the purposes of an investigation (except that the Ombudsman is specifically excluded from obtaining information relating to Cabinet proceedings).

Procedure to follow

The Ombudsman should make all requests for information through HM Revenue & Customs (NMWM02030) Complaints Management Team. If the Ombudsman approaches you directly, you should contact the NMW Business Manager immediately.