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OT13510 - PRT: Foreign Fields - Definition of Foreign Field

Foreign Field

A foreign field is an area not under the jurisdiction of the UK Government, and specified as a foreign field by the Secretary of State, OTA83\S12(2)(a) - (see OT13550).

A participator in relation to a foreign field is a person who is or has the rights, interests or obligations of a licensee under the law of the appropriate country, OTA83\S12(2)(b)

Transmedian Field

For the purposes of OTA83\S12 a transmedian field (see OT13450) which is a taxable field is deemed to consist of two separate fields, i.e. the sector outside the UK is treated as a foreign field, without the need for designation by the Secretary of State. [Note that for other purposes, this sector is deemed to be included in the field by FA80\S107(3) and is called a “designated area”] and the remainder is treated as a UK field.

Where a transmedian field is not a taxable field see (OT13650).