OT21400 - Corporation tax ring fence: field allowance: contents
OT21401The background and underlying policy
OT21405What is the field allowance?
OT21407Previously decommissioned fields?
OT21410Definition of a qualifying field
OT21415The total amount of field allowance available, new oil fields
OT21418The total amount of field allowance available, additionally developed oil fields
OT21420Overview of the amount available
OT21425The unactivated amount of a field allowance
OT21430Amount of field allowance for an accounting period where equity share is unchanged
OT21435Amount of field allowance for an accounting period where equity share changes
OT21440Transfer of field allowance where the equity share changes
OT21445Application of field allowance after changes to adjusted ring fence profits
OT21450Changes to the legislation may be made by Regulation
OT21455Authorisation of development