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HCOTEG113270 - Pipelines: Where are the pipelines, who owns them and who controls them? : System, Operator, Control Office

This table has been retained for information, but you should check the Linewatch website for the latest information on pipeline ownership.

Also, the Large Business roles and responsibilities are currently being reassigned (2018) so check with your LB contact for details of which team has responsibility.

System Operator Control Team (prior to 2018)
Government Pipeline and Storage System (GPSS) Amco Engineering on behalf of the Oil and Pipeline Agency (OPA) Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
United Kingdom Oil Pipelines Ltd (UKOP):Thames/Mersey system British Pipeline Agency Ltd Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
Mainline Pipelines Ltd:South Wales/ Seisdon, Seisdon/Manchester Mainline Pipelines Ltd c/o Esso Petroleum Plc Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
Midline Pipeline:Fawley/Seisdon Midline Pipelines Ltd c/o Esso Petroleum Plc Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
London and South East Pipeline:Fawley/Gatwick/Purfleet Esso Petroleum Plc Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
Fawley/Avonmouth Pipeline Esso Petroleum Plc Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
Finaline:Humberside/Buncefield Total Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
Stanlow/Partington BP Oil Plc Luton EICS
Fawley/West London 10” Pipeline Esso Petroleum Plc Staines LBS (Oil and Gas)
Grangemouth Finnart* BP Oil Plc Luton EICS

*This finished product pipeline is approved as part of INEOS Grangemouth Refinery along its whole length.

For further details on the existing ‘offshore gas’ and oil pipeline network please see C7-6.