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HCOTEG177500 - Measurement: road tank wagon measurement


Road Tank Wagons (RTW) are now both loaded and unloaded from beneath the tank and there is no longer any provision for opening the top of the RTW ‘pot’ and dipping it, as this method is now considered an unacceptable health and safety risk. There are though, still some road tankers used for heavy fuel oil, which are top-loaded and could be dipped, where access is permissible only where a railed gantry is provided for access to the top of these tankers. Consequently we now tend to rely on readings taken from flow meters on loading or unloading.

They could however, be checked by a weighbridge if flow meters failed and traders have asked our permission. The wagon should be weighed both before and after loading with attention paid to ensuring nothing is added or taken away that could affect the weight ( like the delivery driver or a passenger ). It is also necessary to ensure that the road tanker is fully on the weighbridge. It is possible for the weighbridge to be fitted with sensors that alarm if the wagon is not correctly positioned