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HCOTEG190750 - Sampling: packaging and labelling

Sampling tins, etc.

Tins, caps and internal seals and wooden cases for sending samples may be requisitioned from Stores Branch.

Packaging and labelling

Samples are to be taken in the expendable tins specially provided. These tins are to be used only once. Bottles must never be used for mineral (hydrocarbon) oil samples.

After filling, each tin must be wired and plumbed through the lugs on the body and the top of the tin. Sealing wax must not be used for sealing such tins.

All tins must be labelled with the special reinforced labels Form HO69 which are to be attached by the wire securing the tin.

The tins are to be packed in sawdust in wooden cases.

Samples of all light oils suspected to be such are to be conspicuously labelled on the external package “Petroleum Spirit”, Highly Flammable, H.M. Revenue & Customs.