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HCOTEG33750 - Relevant Law: Excise Goods (Drawback) Regulations 1995

Drawback is the claiming back of duty that has been previously paid due to a change in circumstances. The Excise Drawback Centre in Glasgow deals with the administration of these claims.

Section Section title Summary and comments
5 Eligible goods Duty paid goods that are exported or warehoused for export or destroyed. Note conditions covering accidental destruction.
6 Eligible claimants -
7 General conditions …including time limits.
8 Conditions to be complied with before export Including information and notification to be provided.
9 Conditions to be complied with after warehousing for export …by claimant - certificate of receipt with claim and goods to be exported in six months.
10 Conditions to be complied with after export -
11 Conditions to be complied with where goods are accidentally destroyed -
12 Payment of claim …only where we are satisfied and we can pay what we think is a lower amount due and/or off-set it against any other ‘debt due’.
13 Cancellation of drawback …at any time we are satisfied the Regulations broken and can demand repayment of claim.
14 Conduct attracting a civil penalty -