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HCOTEG35250 - Relevant Law: Warehouse-keepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999 (WOWGR)

Note that the meaning of ‘relevant goods’ in Section 2 excludes hydrocarbon oils, bioethanol and special energy products.

Section Section title Summary and comments
3 Authorized warehouse-keepers that we approve them
4 Revocation …of above
5 Registered owners we approve people who put things in warehouses or register them as Registered Consignees or Consignors but oils are not “relevant goods” so oils traders are excluded.
6 Duty representatives …who we approve to act as agents for the above.
7 Registration -
8 Certificates of registration Lists what it contains.
9 Holding dutiable goods The conditions for holding them in a warehouse.
10 Application of section 98 of the act This refers to Section 98 of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979.
11 Privileges of an authorized warehouse-keeper What goods he can receive or consign
12 Privileges of a registered owner They can hold or buy goods in a warehouse.
13 Privileges of a duty representative They can arrange the above on behalf of owner or buyer.
14 Exceptions Long list applying to 11, 12 and 13 above.
15 General conditions and restrictions -
16 Security We can ask for one from any ‘revenue trader’ i.e. warehouse-keeper, registered owner or duty representative.
17 Conditions and restrictions that apply to authorized warehouse-keepers -
18 Conditions and restrictions that apply to registered owners -
19 Conditions and restrictions that apply to duty representatives -
20 Excise duty points - warehoused goods -
21 Excise duty points - ownership of goods Where there is change or dubiety.
22 Forfeiture …when in contravention of regulation 9 (1), (2) or (3).