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HCOTEG37250 - Relevant Law: The Measuring Instruments (Liquid fuel and lubricants) Regulations 2006

The Regulations were implemented as SI 2006 No. 1266 Weights and Measures, The measuring Instruments (Liquid Fuel and Lubricants) regulations 2006. The full body of the text can be found at

They were amended by the Measuring Instruments (Amendment) Regulations 2010. The Regulations, as amended, provide for the harmonisation of laws on liquid fuel and lubricant measuring instruments within Member States, thereby creating a single market for these instruments.

Further details can also be found on the National Measurement & Regulation Office pages at

Section Section title Summary and comments
14 Requirements for use for trade -
15 Maximum permissible error (MPE) In the case of a measuring system used to measure a quantity of liquid fuel
16 Manner of use -
Schedule 1 Table 3 Accuracy classification and MPEs
- Table 5 Accuracy classification and MPEs