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HCOTEG41750 - Authorisation and approval: Types of oil warehouse authorisation

We may approve as warehouses those facilities used in conjunction with the production and refining of oil. No “minimum capacity” requirement applies to these warehouses. (Notice 179 paragraph 3.9.1)

We may approve installations as ‘import’ warehouses (Notice 179 paragraph 3.9.2)

We may approve installations as ‘export’ warehouses where trade is 100% ( or near to 100%) dedicated to storing oil for export (Notice 179 paragraph 3.9.3)

We may approve ‘floating storage’ for the bunkering of ships (Notice 179 paragraph 3.8.4)

We may approve warehouses for the storage of ‘special energy products’ such as liquid petroleum gas (Notice 179 paragraph 3.8.5)

We may also grant ‘full or partial duty-suspended’ facilities. (Notice 179 paragraph 3.8.6.)

We may allow ‘common storage’ of oils of the same description (Notice 179 paragraph 3.9)

We may allow ‘temporary conversion’ of duty suspended tankage to duty paid status (Notice 179 paragraph 3.11). We will not permit this facility however if there is a possibility of ‘budget forestalling’ (Notice 179 paragraph 3.12).