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PAYE102010 - Individual records: finding a claims / CODA taxpayer record: tracing a record on TI

The Taxpayer Index, COP Function TI is an online computer index of taxpayer records set up under the SA, CODA and Claims computer systems. Claims and CODA users with the appropriate access can use this function to trace a Claims or CODA taxpayer's record.

The remainder of this subject is presented as follows

When to use TI
How changes of employment affect index records
Information needed to use TI
What you can view
Where to find help when using the function 

When to use TI

You should only use Function TI for two purposes from July 2009 

  • To find any CODA or Claims record from just name and address details
  • To check details such as name and address if you know the full NINO, Schedule D reference or Claims reference


There are two main indexes

  • A COP / CODA (including SA) index with records for taxpayers in those systems
(COP records are not updated from July 2009)
  • A Claims index for taxpayers held on that system

You should use the Claims index where

  • It is obvious the matter relates to a record in the claims system
  • After a failed search in the PAYE Service, see PAYE120000 onwards, unless it is obvious the matter does not relate to a record in the Claims system

The system holds both a live and an historical index record.

The up-to date details are posted to a new live index record, which is created at the same time as the historical record.

Historical index records hold the same information as live index records, but the old details. Any details that have changed will be marked. The historical index record is deleted from the index after 6 months.

Note: The index record for an SA record not previously linked to a COP record will not show the responsible office. It will show the UTR, which will allow you to access the SA record to establish the current responsible offices for processing and accounting purposes.

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How changes of employment affect index records

A change of main source self employment - SA only to SA only will affect the index records

  • The existing index record is made historical and a new index record is created (both showing UTR but not Processing Office or reference)

If you need a screen print from COP Function TI

  • Enter [E] in the Control field on Format 2
And then
  • Press [Ctrl] and [P]
Note: The Control field is the field at the foot of the screen next to the message ‘Alter Selection Criteria For New Search Or Select Alternate Action Here’

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Information needed to use TI

Before you can use COP Function TI successfully you need certain minimum information. You must have at least one of the following

  • A complete NINO
  • A full Schedule D or Claims reference, including the Processing Office or Inland Revenue Office number
  • Name or business name
  • Address or business address

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What you can view

Depending on the information you enter into the search will determine what the index will display for you to view. For further information see ‘COP System Help’ in the left bar.

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Where to find help when using the function

For information on how to use the function select ‘COP System Help’ in the left bar.