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PAYE103002 - Individual records: maintain individual details: national insurance (NI) registration - NINO upgrade requests

There might be occasions where a customer provides a valid NINO or you trace a valid NINO through another system, but the NINO record is not available on NPS. There are customers that have a valid NINO that was never input onto NIRS, for example, a spouse that has never worked or claimed benefits and therefore has no NI record but now receives a taxable occupational pension. The NINO therefore needs to be ’upgraded’, which will then create a record on NPS.

The majority of these types of cases will be identified whilst working work item 49.


1. Child Reference numbers although in the same format, are not valid NINOs and should not be submitted for upgrade. When a child reaches the age of 15 years and 9 months, the Child Benefit system sends the child’s records to NPS through the Juvenile Registration process.

Some juveniles Child Reference numbers are not registered for NI through the automatic Juvenile Registration process. We treat these customers as ’missed juveniles’ until the day before their 20th birthday. After this, we treat them under the adult process and their NINO can be included for upgrade. If you come across customers with valid NINOs who are aged between 15 years and 9 months, but under 20 years old, you should follow this process to have the NINOs upgraded. A separate CA3487 should be submitted for each juvenile.

A request should not be made to upgrade a Juvenile NINO for a child younger than 15 years and 9 months.

2. This process is not appropriate when the individual’s record shows them as deceased.

3. This process should not be used for migrant workers who have recently arrived in the UK; the adult NI registration process results in the NINO being input onto NPS and this process takes 3 months to complete.

The action you should take is as follows

Single requests
Multiple requests

Single requests

These should be made electronically using CA3487. This form is available through SEES as follows

  • Select Excel SEES
  • Select ‘Xmls Forms’
  • Select ‘National’ tab
  • Select ‘CA3487’
  • When all the information has been input select ‘Send Form’


1. The customer’s details need to be completed for all cases, including a date of entry into NI which can be obtained from the Customer Information System (CIS), you can view CIS using ADD (Access to DWP data). If you do not have ADD, leave the date of entry blank.

2. The Date of Entry is the date the customer entered into the UK National Insurance scheme, typically this would be the 16t h birthday however, in cases of people coming to the UK to work as adults it would be the date they entered the country.

3. A date of entry is required on NPS to validate some of the information held, for example contributions and credits if they are for a period before the date of entry. Also auto credits may be incorrectly awarded if the date of entry is wrong.

4. If the requesting area cannot supply the correct date of entry then use the CIS creation date, found using ADD, when completing the form except where that date is before the 16t h birthday where you would use that date instead.


Following submission of the form the papers should be put on BF for 4 weeks, see PAYE105520. At the BF date you should check NPS for the account.


Note: Forms with insufficient or incorrect information will be returned.(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) You must submit a new template to the inbox, with the missing or correct information.

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Multiple requests

NI Registration will consider processing multiple National Insurance number (NINO) upgrades on a schedule. This is a business specific arrangement so prior arrangements must be made through agreement with NI Registrations management.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

Please ensure that any combined data movements have been agreed with your Data Guardian and have been given the appropriate security marking.

If the request is approved, then multiple NINO upgrades can be submitted by pre-agreed schedule. Information provided should include

  • Full name
  • NINO
  • Date of Birth (DOB)
  • Date of entry into NI, which would be CIS creation date, found using ADD, except where this date is before the customer’s 16th birthday where staff would use this date instead

Note: Following submission of a multiple request the papers should be put on BF, see PAYE105520, for a period agreed with NI Registration Section to allow the upgrades to be completed.

More information about NINOs including format, security, registration and special cases can be found in the National Insurance Manual at NIM39000 onwards.