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PAYE103040 - Individual records: maintain individual details: contact details

The Contact Details screen may hold any or all of the following

  • Business Fax Number
  • Daytime Business Telephone Number
  • Daytime Home Telephone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • Evening Business Telephone Number
  • Evening Home Telephone Number
  • Home Fax Number
  • Mobile Telephone Number
  • Not Known

Contact details can be entered, amended or deleted, as appropriate using the Insert / Edit Contacts screen.

Each time you are in contact with an individual make sure you have the latest contact number. Updates can be made on the PAYE Service.

Note: Where the contact details held on COP for an individual is an e-mail address, the details at Migration will be incorrectly shown in the ‘Contact Number’ field on the Contact Summary and Contact Details screen.

If in the course of your day to day work you identify such a case you should follow action guide tax80006 to correct the record.