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PAYE103070 - Individual records: maintain individual details: special output indicators

The individual may request output to be issued

  • By Audio
  • In Braille
  • In the Welsh language
  • In large print

Where you receive such a request use the Indicators screen to set the appropriate Special output indicator

  • Audio
  • Braille
  • Welsh - This indicator must only be set by the Welsh Language Unit (WLU)
  • Large Print

When set these indicators will direct all system generated output to the correct unit. The unit will then transform the output from the one produced into the specified special output provided. This is then sent to the individual.

If you select the Welsh indicator then one of the other special output indicators may also be selected in order to produce the desired output.

For more information about the work of the Welsh Language Unit see PAYE103110 and VIMU see PAYE103115.

If you access a work item and the Special Output ‘Welsh’ indicator, or the ‘Audio’, ‘Braille’ or ‘Large Print’ indicators are set, see PAYE110020.