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PAYE103080 - Individual records: maintain individual details: case ownership authorisation check

There are certain records which need to be worked by Specialist Business Areas (SBA) and the PAYE Service will automatically check you are authorised to proceed with a case when you attempt to perform any action, other than those of view, update personal details and update employment details on an individual record.

  • Where an SBA indicator is not present on a record, you will be able to continue with the changes required
  • Where an SBA indicator is present on a record, the PAYE Service will make a comparison of the SBA indicator with your SBA authorisation

Where a SBA indicator is set on a customer record and your SBA authorisation does not match, or you do not work in an SBA group, you will not be able to perform any action other than view, update personal details and update employment details. For any other actions re-direct the work to SBA.(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)