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PAYE104015 - Individual records: merge individual records: automated merge

Where an automated merge occurs from either Adult or Juvenile Registrations, the following data items will be merged

  • Address
  • Accounting information, including repayments made and payments received from the customer
  • Coding information, including issue dates and the coding calculation
  • Contact History, both COP History and NPS Contact History
  • Employment details, including P45 and P60 details, if present
  • IABD data
  • Individual Contact details
  • Capacitor details
  • Agent details
  • Marriage details
  • Reconciliation information, including P800 data
  • Outputs information, including details of any suspended forms
  • Indicators
  • Scottish Main Place of Residence (SMPR) data
  • Welsh Main Place of Residence (WMPR) data

The most recent information from either record will be merged onto the merged-to records.

Accounting and repayments

For Accounting, the merge-from values will be copied onto the merge-to record. The merged-to record will have had no previous values recorded. This will enable you to have a complete view of both the merge-from and merge-to records on the merge-to NINO after a merge occurs.

All the repayments, underpayments, overpayments and payments-in are transferred to the merge-to record. If R400 checks have been performed on the repayments on the merge-from record then these are transferred to the merge-to record as well. This will enable the post repayment checks to run on the payments on the merged record.

Where there is an existing underpayment being collected by Simple Assessment all accounting events relating to the charge will be copied across along with the ETMP charge reference, due date and any query/appeal details. There will be no changes to R400 check access.

All repayments, underpayments, overpayments and payments-in copied to the merged record will have a new status. This status will be the previous status prefixed with ‘Merged’. When this status applies there will be no output written to the accounting reports. These will have already been accounted for in previous reports.

All updates will be sent to Frameworks (the system that feeds data changes to other systems that share our information). This includes updates where the data has been copied from the TRN to the NINO.