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PAYE104042 - Individual records: merge individual records: work item 46 - special business area records merged (Action Guide)

Note: You must only manually merge records when you have fully reviewed and are completely satisfied that the duplicate records are proper to the same person.

This work item is created when records are successfully auto merged but a Special Business Area indicator has been set on one or both records.

Note: The individuals name as entered in the ‘Name’ field is the name held on the ‘merged from’ account.

To clear work item 46 follow steps 1 - 10 below. This Guide is presented as follows

Initial action

Steps 1 - 3

Individual no longer satisfies SBA criteria

Steps 4 - 7

Individual still satisfies SBA criteria

Steps 8 - 10

Initial action

1. Review whether a Contact History note is held to show manual merge has been attempted

  • If a Contact History note is held and / or merge has not yet taken place see action guide tax80008 to complete manual merge
  • If a Contact History note has not been made and auto merge has been completed, go to step 2

2. Check the records have been merged correctly

3. Check if the individual is still satisfies SBA criteria

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Individual no longer satisfies SBA criteria

4. Remove the SBA indicator from the Indicators screen

5. Make a note in Contact History that ‘The taxpayer no longer satisfies (HNWU / Expat / RBC) criteria’

6. Note work item ‘No longer satisfies SBA criteria’

7. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075

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Individual still satisfies SBA criteria

8. Update Contact History

9. Note work item ‘Case reviewed - Still SBA’

10. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075