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PAYE105017 - Individual records: contact history: telephone and correspondence - core principles

This guidance outlines the core principles for creating a manual Contact History note as a result of contact with the customer by means of a form, letter or telephone call. Please see PAYE105020 for guidance when reviewing work management items.

In all cases you must complete the following details

  • Document type (select the appropriate form relevant to the information you are working, for example P60, R40, otherwise select ‘Other’)
  • Document type date (must relate to the year the information refers. This information can also be included in the ‘Actions’ and ‘Other Information’ fields when dealing with multiple years
  • Contact channel (for example telephone in, letter in, document in, e-mail in)
  • Contract type (for example individual, agent, capacitor)
  • Contact storage reference (PAYE105026) (location of any document that has been used to update NPS that requires retention)
  • Contact reference (employer reference, DWP office), if Contact type ‘individual’ is selected this is re-populated with the NINO / TRN
  • ‘Actions’. The ‘Actions’ field holds up to 201 characters. In more complex cases, if more notes space is needed you can create a manual Contact History note, see action guide tax80011, or complete the ‘Action’ field for each key action taken

When updating the Actions field (see Action guide tax80011), you must

  • Write a clear and concise note of the information received and the actions taken
  • Copy and paste notes from Office Clerical Assistant (OCA) when required
  • Only use the agreed standard abbreviations and acronyms from PAYE105024
  • Enter spaces not just commas or full stops to separate text
  • Provide a breakdown of any apportioned figures or manually reconciled years shown in IABD
  • Make sure details are compliant with the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts
  • Ensure all outbound calls are noted including all actions completed. If unsuccessful, note the attempt with the outstanding information or actions required
  • Review your notes before submission
  • If an action is to use eForm to notify another office (for example Debt Management Banking, (DMB)) it is important the note states ‘eForm sent to DMB,‘ and in addition, full details of the destination (as indicated by the Office group within DMB or other destination to which it was issued) in order that the correct destination office can be traced at a later date
  • Make sure details are compliant with the DATA protection and Freedom of Information Acts
  • Ensure all outbound calls are noted including all action completed. If unsuccessful, note the attempt with the outstanding information or actions required
  • Review your notes before submission

Note: If it is necessary to record a NINO or UTR for a different customer on the record, (an example being in the event that two accounts have been merged in error), these should only be recorded in the Additional Notes field in the Indicators screen. A contact history note must be added to direct a colleague to that Additional Notes information. Once the information in the Additional Notes is no longer required then it can be deleted with the appropriate contact history note explaining the actions.

Do not

  • Use personal abbreviations or acronyms
  • Repeat basic information about the customer, for example name or date of birth
  • Express personal opinions or enter any inappropriate notes that could cause offence
  • Enter details that are not relevant to the information provided or actions taken
  • Duplicate figures that are already captured in IABD
  • Use words or phrases that are vague or open to misinterpretation
  • Include bank details
  • Include your name or the name of a colleague. Use the PID instead

Note: If you move to another screen for the same customer without saving the information, no warning message will be displayed and NPS will not record the information you have entered.