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PAYE105030 - Individual records: contact history: contact history summary and contact history details screens

Contact History Summary screen

Contact History summary can be viewed at any time in your day to day work. To do this

  • Access the individual record
  • Select Contact History from the left hand bar
  • Select Contact History from the task bar

You will be presented with the Contact History Summary screen, which will list up to 10 records in date order starting with the latest information recorded. You can access earlier records by using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.

Contact History Summary will only display unique entries and will not list any duplicate notes created during multiple updates as described at PAYE105015. It will also exclude any notes ‘recorded in error’ (see below). You will be able to select an option to view all entries if required, although this should be unnecessary in most circumstances.

You can use the [Filter by] or [Sort by] buttons to search for the relevant information required. Once the fields have been selected you will be presented with a further ‘Select’ option. When selecting this you should always

  • Enter the date as DD/MM/YYYY to ensure you receive the correct results
  • If searching for a form P11D(Man), select Document type ‘Other’, see PAYE130040
  • If searching for an update which has been made from the result of an earlier year form, also select ‘Other’, see Action guide tax80002

Select the [Submit] button which will display

  • The Contact History Summary screen with the results found
  • If no match is found a warning message will be displayed

When you have found the Contact History record you wish to view select the View Record icon on the right.

You will be presented with the Contact History Details screen.

Top of page

Contact History Details screen

The Contact History Details screen displays the details behind the Contact History note and, where required, will allow you to

  • Amend the Contact Storage Reference shown on the note
  • Mark a note made by a different NPS user as ‘recorded in error’
  • Edit a Contact History note. The ability to do this will be limited to notes previously made by yourself only

You can use the [Forward / back] button to view the results displayed on the Contact History.

Note: If there has been a manual update to the system which resulted in an output and there is an agent acting, you could see up to 3 Contact History entries.

Contact History Notes that will be recorded when a customer has interacted digitally

When the customer opts to being contacted by email and have P2 coding notices displayed on their Digital Account the following note will be recorded:

Internet preference set and E-mail address held on MDTP

When the customer has reverted back to paper and opted out of receiving e-mail notification the following note will be recorded:

Internet preference changed back to paper Output

When HMRC has been unable to deliver an e-mail notification the following note will be recorded:

Unable to confirm customers e-mail address

(If this occurs a paper P2 will be issued)

When HMRC has sent an e-mail notification successfully the following note will be recorded:

An e-mail alert has been sent