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PAYE11076 - Coding: codes: how they are used and calculated: suffix codes: permanent alternative suffix

You can override the code suffix generated by the system. You may need to do this

  • If the individual asks or suffix T
  • At a secondary source to get a chosen suffix L which the system would otherwise not have chosen

The permanent suffix is set on the Employments Allocation screen when using the Tax Code Calculation. You can change the suffix by a drop-down field and by selecting ‘Recalculate’ in order to trigger the tax code calculation.

If you change the tax code suffix for any tax code calculation, that suffix will be saved on the coding as a permanent suffix. For each subsequent tax code calculation the system will apply any permanent suffix value that is on the record to calculate the code.

The system will only allow one occurrence of the L suffix at any one time. They will not be allowed at both primary and secondary records.

If the calculated code is a K code or an over-ridden alpha code (NT, BR, 0T, or D prefix), the permanent suffix will be ignored, but retained on the record.

A permanent suffix indicator will be displayed on the Tax Code Details screen.

You can remove the permanency of the suffix by selecting the dashes in the drop-down. This will remove the permanent suffix from the record and restore the system generated suffix to any future tax code calculated.