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PAYE25012 - Employer records: employer mailings: priority issue of coding notifications (Action Guide)

To deal with a request for the priority issue of annual coding notifications by an employer or their payroll agent, follow steps 1 - 3 below.

For details of how to access any of the Employer Business Service functions, use PAYE057.

Note: It is important to remember that the unnecessary use of the priority issue service can cause delays for other coding issues and so should only be offered where an employer or their Payroll agent have a genuine need for this service.

Initial action

On receipt of a request for the priority coding issue service, use Function View Employer Pack and Coding Requirements to establish whether the employer uses internet or paper output.

EDI or Internet employers

Step 1

Where a request is received for a priority code issue by an employer who uses the internet:

  • contact the employer
  • advise them that the facility they currently use will result in coding notifications being received earlier than the normal paper issue and as such the priority issue service is not applicable in their circumstances

Other cases

Having satisfied yourself that there is a genuine need for the employer to receive a priority issue

Step 2

Ensure that the date for notifying a case has not passed. This date can be found in the Annual Employer Pack and Annual Coding Business Guidance Notes (BGN).

If the date:

  • has passed inform the employer of this and advise them of the dates when the annual code issue is expected
  • has not passed go to step 3

Arranging for a priority issue

As the deadline has not passed for requesting a priority code issue

Step 3

You will need to have the ‘PAYE employer processing officer’ role. The role will be allocated to you by your manager and will be displayed as an icon within ‘My Workplace’.

  • Access the Employer Summary screen (this screen can be accessed through Quick Search or the Trace Employer - Results screen - PAYE120010 and PAYE120020).
  • On the Employer Summary screen select Edit and select the priority checkbox. Select [Save] to record that a priority issue is to be made before the main employer code notifications.

Note: Work item 210 will be generated where the employer is deceased or RLS is set on the employer record.

  • A Contact History note will be added to the employees records when the output has been issued.