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PAYE25036 - Employer records: employer mailings: employer packs / letters not required (Action Guide)

Where an employer or their Payroll Agent do not require employer packs / letters to be sent, follow steps 1 - 8 below. The Guide is presented as follows

Initial action

Step 1

Non automated employer packs

Steps 2 - 3

Automated issue of employer packs / letters

Steps 4 - 8

For details of how to access any of the Employer Business Service functions, use PAYE057.

Initial action

Note: The ability for employer packs / letters to be issued automatically is only relevant to certain scheme types.

1. Use Function AMEND EMPLOYER PACK AND CODING REQUIREMENTS to establish the scheme type applicable to the employer record you are reviewing

  • If the scheme type is one of the following go to step 3:
  • P
  • PSC
  • OCPN
  • For any other scheme type it is not possible to issue an employer pack automatically. Go to step 2

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Non automated employer packs

2. For the following scheme types it is not possible to issue an employer pack automatically:

  • DCNI
  • DPNI
  • EPA
  • EXAM
  • NI
  • PSS
  • SICK
  • TAS
  • XP

Any pack must be issued manually where applicable:

  • Where an employer pack is not required in the future make a prominent note in the employer record pad
  • Use Function AMEND EMPLOYER NOTES to make a relevant note on the employer record to this affect
  • If the scheme type relates to direct payments or direct collection go to step 3
  • No further action is necessary

3. Where applicable obtain the employer related electronic file ‘DP and DCNI cases - reports to CA’ and update the entry for this case accordingly

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Automated issue of employer packs / letters

4. Employer packs / letters for P, PSC, OCPN and TRONC scheme types are normally issued automatically

When the employer uses an agent and the Agent Indicator is present, the employer pack checkbox will be unchecked and the employer pack / letter is not issued. This is to reduce the number of unwanted employer packs / letters being sent to agents

Where an employer pack / letter is not required in the future

  • Use Function AMEND EMPLOYER SUMMARY to ensure there is a tick the Agent box in Amend Payroll and Correspondence Details:
  • Where there is a tick in the Employer Pack check box go to step 5
  • Where there is no tick in the Employer Pack checkbox go to step 8

5. Where a tick is present in the Employer Pack checkbox and no employer packs / letters are required use Function AMEND EMPLOYER PACK AND CODING REQUIREMENTS to select the Employer Pack checkbox again to remove the tick

6. Use Function AMEND EMPLOYER NOTES to make a relevant note on the employer record that employer packs are no longer required

7. Make a prominent note on the employer record pad that no employer packs / letters are required and take no further action

8. Where no tick is present in the Employer Pack checkbox and no employer packs / letters are required:

  • Use Function AMEND EMPLOYER NOTES to make a relevant note on the employer record if this has not already been noted
  • Review the employer record pad and where no prominent note has already been made concerning this point, make one
  • No further action is necessary