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PAYE25045 - Employer records: employer mailings: employer orderline

This subject is presented as follows

Employer Orderline - History
Employer Orderline - Availability
Employer Orderline - Responsibilities
Employer Orderline - Complaints
Employer Orderline - Forms available

Employer Orderline - History

The Employer Orderline was launched on 2 February 1997 to provide employers and Payroll agents with a central point to obtain employer forms and guidance. It is managed by Employer Mailings and Orderline Team and operated by an outside contractor based in Edinburgh.

The range of literature currently available to order numbers around 140 different items of employer forms, guides and tables as well as the Employer Bulletin. However, since 2011, the Employer Orderline has very limited stocks of paper forms and guidance which are intended primarily for those employers who are exempt from transacting with HMRC online and have no access to the Internet. HMRC now expects the majority of employers to access most forms and guidance online at

Employers can place orders using any of the following

  • Internet
  • Telephone
  • Fax

To view the literature available

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Employer Orderline - Availability

The availability of the Employer Orderline is as follows

 For Internet Orders  

Open (24 hours a day every day)

For Telephone Orders  Tel: 0300 123 1074 (calls at local rate)

Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

For Fax Orders  Tel: 0300 123 1076

Open (24 hours a day every day)

For Typetalk Orders  Tel: 18001 0300 123 1074

Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

For Braille / Large print / Audio Orders  Tel: 0300 123 1074 (calls at local rate)

Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

For Welsh language Orders  Tel: 0300 200 1900 (calls at local rate)

Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm

Closed weekends and bank holidays

The Employer Orderline operates to agreed service levels. This means that they will endeavour to

  • Answer 80 per cent of calls within 20 seconds
  • Despatch orders within 48 hours to enable delivery within 7 working days of the order being received

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Employer Orderline - Responsibilities

As well as providing various forms, guides and tables the Employer Orderline will

  • Arrange for large orders of forms P60 and P45 to be issued direct from the printers
  • Handle requests for Braille, large print and audio versions of the full range of literature
  • Provide each caller with a unique order number and details of any delays that may arise
  • Have a dedicated Customer Service facility to deal with any queries and complaints

The Employer Orderline does not have responsibility for any of the following

  • New employer pack requests for these must be referred to the New Employer Helpline (0300 200 3211)
  • Any literature not available through the Orderline (for example pre-paid envelopes)
  • Any tax / NIC enquiries. These should be referred to either the Employer Helpline, New Employer Helpline or the PAYE Employer Office, whichever is appropriate
  • P35 / CIS36 form requests - these should be referred to the PAYE Employer Office
  • Requests for stock from HMRC offices (who should use ERP to satisfy their stationery needs)
  • Payslip booklet requests - these should be referred to the appropriate Banking Operations office
  • Issuing any forms P45 to any customer unable to quote a valid employer reference. Callers will be referred to the PAYE Employer Office

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Employer Orderline - Complaints

If you receive a complaint about the Employer Orderline it is important that, in the first instance, you refer the employer / agent to the Orderline. To avoid delay in dealing with the complaint it is important that the relevant order number is quoted when contacting the Orderline.

If the Orderline are unable to resolve the complaint, the Office Customer Relations Manager should deal with the case. In exceptional circumstances the case should be referred to the Regional Consumer Champion.

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Employer Orderline - Forms available

Details of the current forms available from the Employer Orderline can be downloaded from