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PAYE27020 - Employer records: maintain schemes: maintain scheme start date

A scheme start date is entered on to the employer record in Function EMPLOYER SET UP. If it is discovered that the date was incorrect you may want to change that date. You can see the current scheme start date by using Function VIEW EMPLOYER SCHEME HISTORY.

Note: If you change a ‘start date’, you must update the ‘effective date’ to match the ‘start date’.

Change to an earlier date

The scheme start date can be changed to an earlier date by entering the earlier date using Function AMEND EMPLOYER SCHEME HISTORY. When the date is amended to an earlier date than currently held the intervening years will be created on the computer.

A full review of the following is needed to ensure the correct details are held on the employer record

  • Employer indicators
  • Scheme type
  • Earlier years, ensuring that correct employer annual returns are issued

Note: Where the scheme type is PSC or XP, when prompted for a 'Date Notified', you must enter a ‘Date Notified’, which is the date you received the information or select one of the following check boxes

  • ‘Date Not Known’ - where you do not know the date you received the information
  • ‘Date Not Applicable’ - where the update is being made from information not received from the employer

Change to a later date

The start date can be changed to a later date by entering the later date using Function AMEND EMPLOYER SCHEME HISTORY.

Note: You must not amend a scheme start date to a later date where a return is held for that year.