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PAYE41010 - Employer returns: record receipt of employer return: changes to return receipt details pre capture

You may need to change the details of a return or return part which has already been recorded as received on the Employer Business Service (EBS) employer record but not yet been captured.

If you find an error in the details recorded using Function RECORD RETURN RECEIPT and the return or return part details have been captured see subject ‘Changes To Return Receipt Details Post Capture’ PAYE46015.

The errors you discover may include the following

  • An incorrect date recorded
  • An incorrect type of return or return part recorded
  • An incorrect year recorded
  • The return or return part does not relate to the employer at that employer reference

Incorrect date

Where an incorrect date of receipt was recorded you must amend the date held on the EBS record. This must be done using Function AMEND / DELETE EOY RETURNS RECEIPT.

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Incorrect year or return type

Where the year or type of return or return part was recorded incorrectly you must delete the return receipt details on the EBS record. This is done using Function AMEND / DELETE EOY RETURNS RECEIPT. You must then record receipt of the correct return type for the correct year using Function RECORD RETURN RECEIPT.

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Incorrect employer reference

Where the return or return part was recorded against the wrong employer record you must delete the receipt details on the EBS record. This is done using Function AMEND / DELETE EOY RETURNS RECEIPT. The return or return part must then be recorded as received against the correct reference using Function RECORD RETURN RECEIPT.

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Date of receipt

In all cases where any change to the details previously recorded is made the original date of receipt must be used when correcting the employer record.