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PAYE41015 - Employer returns: record receipt of employer return: channel routing interface service (ChRIS)

The subject is presented as follows

Paper returns
Magnetic media
Electronic returns
Structure of ChRIS
Consolidation area
Tracking tool
Return Status Indicator (RSI)
Central Exception Processing Team (CEPT)
External Routing Interface Component (ERIC) 


ChRIS is a computer component, superseding ERIC introduced at April 2005, to support the filing of employer annual returns electronically and / or in parts. All return information must pass through ChRIS. ChRIS will record the following

  • Record return receipt details
  • Capture EOY return details
  • Delete EOY return details

ChRIS will record the above whether the return is complete or received in parts or which method of submission is used

  • Paper
  • Magnetic media
  • Electronic
  • EDI
  • Internet (FBI)

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Paper returns

New functionality has been introduced within EBS to permit the passing of return information both to and from ChRIS. This is achieved using a batch function, which stores the return information entered during the online day, and then transmits the information in batches to the appropriate computer systems during the evening when computer use by network users is reduced.

Only PAYE return information is passed to ChRIS. CIS36 return information is not passed to ChRIS, even in a PSC scheme type.

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Magnetic media

Although form P35MT was withdrawn in April 2004, it is still possible for small and medium size employers to submit forms P14 using magnetic media. However, for the purposes of the online filing Regulations, magnetic media is not regarded as an electronic method of submitting a return. Any large employer who continues to submit their return by magnetic media for years 2004-05 onwards and medium employers from 2005-06 onwards will be charged a penalty for failure to file online.

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Electronic returns

Both the EDI and the Internet portals have been enhanced to permit the passing of return information directly to ChRIS before onward transmission to EBS and other systems.

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Structure of ChRIS

The purpose of ChRIS is to

  • Identify when a full and complete return has been received. This is known as consolidation
  • Identify which return, or return part has been filed online to
  • Permit payment of incentives for online filing, where appropriate
  • Enable a penalty to be charged for failure to file online where applicable

To support this ChRIS has been designed in 2 parts

  • The consolidation area
  • The tracking tool

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Consolidation area

The consolidation area is used to

  • Store the number of parts employers say they intend to submit to make a complete annual return
  • Count each part submitted
  • Pass the annual return details to EBS (and other systems) once a full and complete return is received
  • Create a work item when an expected part (or parts) is still outstanding after 30 days

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Tracking tool

The tracking tool is used to

  • Record incoming annual return, or return part information
  • Record the progress of a return through the stages on the End of Year process
  • Record annual return, or return part deletion information
  • Record outgoing complete annual return details

For more information see subject ‘Tracking tool’ PAYE41045.

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Return Status Indicator (RSI)

The RSI is allocated a number between 1 and 3 to determine what stage a return, or return part has reached within the ChRIS consolidation process.


Indicates that a part return (paper or electronic) is held in the ChRIS consolidation area. The submitter will have indicated that the return for the year would consist of 2 or more parts, and at least one of those parts is still outstanding.

A return or return part displaying RSI 1 is not consolidated.


Indicates that either

  • A full and complete return has been submitted
  • A return containing 2 or more parts has been submitted, and all the expected parts have been received

A return or return part displaying RSI 2 is consolidated.


Indicates that a return containing 2 or more parts has been submitted, but all the expected parts have not been received.

Use Function VIEW EOY RETURNS HISTORY to view the RSI for every return and return part.

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Central Exception Processing Team (CEPT)

When a return part has been outstanding for more than 30 days, a work item will be created automatically for action by the Central Exception Processing Team (CEPT).

CEPT will either

  • Obtain the outstanding part, the return will then be consolidated as RSI 2
  • Move the return parts out of ChRIS to permit the return information to be captured on the other systems. For example when an employer submits a return in fewer parts than original stated and the figures can be consolidated

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External Routing Interface Component (ERIC)

ERIC was the computer component introduced in April 2005 to support the filing of employer annual returns electronically and / or in parts and was superseded by ChRIS in the 2010-11 tax year.