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PAYE41030 - Employer returns: record receipt of employer return: forwarding end of year papers to NIC&EO

This subject is presented as follows

Form P228
Bundling forms P14
Orange envopaks and white TNT taxpost sacks
Managing demand
After you have sent papers to NIC&EO


After you have captured return details you must await receipt of the form P228 facing sheet before bundling the forms P14 along with the P228 (and where appropriate the P130B bundle sheets) for onward submission to NIC&EO.

Note: It is essential that you package the employers' annual returns to NIC&EO correctly and that they are forwarded to NIC&EO on a daily basis. This will result in effective processing of end of year information and the production of smaller, more effective open lists.

Forms P14 that are not bundled in the right way or use the wrong packaging can cause

  • Unnecessary delays in processing the details
  • Additional cost to HMRC because of increased postage costs

A specialist section has been set up within NIC&EO to handle all employers' annual returns that have been captured by network offices.

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(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) 

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Form P228

The form P228 is a computer generated form and will normally arrive in your office 3 or 4 working days after the capture of the return. Only one copy (the NICO copy) is sent to you.

It is possible to obtain an acceptable substitute P228 where a form P228 has become lost or damaged. Follow the guidance in 'Form P228' at PAYE41020.

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Bundling forms P14

When bundling forms P14 for each return you must not pin, staple, punch, tag or fold forms P14 or use elastic bands,

Where forms P14 are sent in both ‘landscape’ and ‘portrait’ styles you must bundle landscape forms P14 first.

It is essential that you follow the guidance in ‘Forwarding end of year papers to NIC&EO (Action Guide)’ at PAYE41031 regarding the bundling and packaging of forms P14.

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Orange envopaks and white TNT taxpost sacks

All returns that are sent to NIC&EO must be sent in sealed orange envopaks within TNT taxpost sacks. This is the only acceptable way of sending forms P228 / P14 to NIC&EO. TNT and not Royal Mail hold the contract for the collection and delivery of these sacks.

You must have proper arrangements in place within your office to avoid any returns being packaged or delivered incorrectly.

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Managing demand

It is essential, particularly during the peak periods of submission of returns to NIC&EO that you have sufficient supplies of the both orange envopaks and white TNT sacks and labels so that returns can be forwarded to NIC&EO quickly.

An orderline is available for you to order your supply of

  • Orange envopak
  • Orange envopak labels
  • Plastic seals for envopaks
  • Blue tax post labels for taxpost sacks
  • Plastic cable ties for taxpost sacks

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) 

Ensure that you estimate your orders at least one week in advance and fax your order in good time.

You must clearly state your requirements and provide the full address to which the order should be sent and your

  • Name
  • Office number
  • Contact telephone number

Note: NIC&EO do not provide white post sacks. You must request these direct from TNT.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) 

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After you have sent papers to NIC&EO

There may be other actions that you will need to take after papers have been sent to NIC&EO. This action will depend on the scheme type on the employer record. For more information see 'Capturing return - 2005 onwards (Action Guide)’ at PAYE43012