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PAYE41045 - Employer returns: record receipt of employer return: tracking tool

This subject is presented as follows

What is the Tracking Tool
How to access the Tracking Tool
Error Details

What is the Tracking Tool

The Channel Routing Interface Service (ChRIS) tracks the progress of an employer annual return through various parts of the End of Year process and displays this information in the Tracking Tool.

The Tracking Tool is used to

  • Record the progress of a return through the stages on the End of Year process
  • Record annual return, or return part deletion information
  • Record outgoing complete annual return details

If an employer enquires about their annual return the Tracking Tool will show what action has been taken on the return and what stage it is at in the End of Year process.

How to access the Tracking Tool

To access the Tracking Tool

  • Open My Workplace
On your Desktop screen
  • Select the My Services tab from the My Workplace Homepage
  • Select the Corporate Services folder
  • Select the Employers folder
And then
  • Select the PAYE EOY Track Return icon

Note: Where the employer annual return was submitted as a complete return the word 'complete' is underlined. This does not mean that the annual return has successfully passed the Quality Standard checks. There could be failures of a number of P14s within the batch.

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Error Details

The Central Exception Processing Team (CEPT) will contact either the employer or Local Service to correct the errors which are created as work items by ChRIS.